[Translate to EN:] Maxolen Tradition Dersim Stein
About us

Philosophy and Tradition

Green quality - the key to success

Quality and safety is our top priority.
As an international company we embrace our responsibilities for the world we live in. This is ingrained through our corporate policy on sustainability. We work diligently to harmonize the company's success with the protection of the environment and our responsibility to society. Maxolen goes green.

Established Know-How

In 1960, Max Lehner had already laid the foundations forsuccess with his Maxolen cleaning agents. Worldwidedemand remains high not because of costly marketing butrather through continuous proof of quality and customerfeedback.

This is the result of technological expertise, tradition-steeped formulas and innovations from the company'sown research.

Relentless development also guarantees thefuture quality of Maxolen products, which are produced inSwitzerland.

Green Quality and Innovation

Quality and safety for users as well as maximum environmentalcompatibility are top priorities for Max LehnerAG.

The environmentally friendly products from its ownresearch laboratory always guarantee Swiss reliability,experience and authenticity to the complete satisfaction ofits customers and partners.

Maxolen – worldwide green quality. Exclusive Swiss Made.